gilmed - stecknadelZiegelsteinstraße 47 ∙ 90411 Nuremberg - GER

gilmed - phone+49 0911 519 40 25

gilmed -


Johannes und Gerlinde Sch.

After a combined weight loss of 63 kilos, we took a cruise to the Caribbean over Christmas / New Year's Eve.

Good heavens, there were always mountains of food ready. Not to mention alcohol.
Admittedly, alcohol was never an issue for us.
Due to our independence but had a bad eating habits crept in with us, which was also the reason to start together at gilmed the program.

And lo and behold, we both caught ourselves, as we feasted one or the other ZUVIEL on this cruise.
Our gut feeling has given us a powerful signal.

We were annoyed that we let ourselves be carried away by this group attitude.
It was over after a few days and we then enjoyed the trip to the full - without overeating.
With mixed feelings, we took our first appointment after Christmas at gilmed.
And lo and behold, everything stayed in the green zone.
After one week, we had the brought holiday ski back under control.

Anyone who takes seriously what they have learned and also perceives the hints of his body really has the opportunity, thanks to the support provided by gilmed, to live an independent and yet enjoyable life.

Thanks to gilmed.
